Programming of Ford 3-button and 4-button Remote Keyfobs When Replacing Keyhead Transmitter

Many people do not know this, but the common 3-button and 4-button keyfob remotes will replace the transmitter functions of the first generation of Ford keyhead remotes used through 2010. You can tell the first generation keyhead remotes from the second generation by the key blade. The first generation used the old edge-cut (low security) keys and the second generation used those with the thicker laser cut blade.

For security reasons, the programming process for a vehicle that was initially equipped with a keyhead remote is different than for a vehicle originally equipped with the keyfob remote. The process requires two unique original keys to put the vehicle’s keyless entry system in programming mode. By “unique”, we mean that the two keys have to have different transponder codes. If you have two keyhead keys and one was made by cloning the other, the system will not recognize them as different and will not go into programming mode.

Here are links to Ford’s first generation keyhead parts:

3-button keyhead remote with keyfob sub.

4=button keyhead remote with keyfob sub.

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