Toyota and Scion Dealer-Installed and Port-Installed Keyless Entry Remote Controls

Toyota was one of the later vehicle manufacturers to make keyless entry a standard feature on its cars and trucks. As late as 2003, Toyota still offered keyless entry as only an option package on trucks. And keyless entry is still not standard equipment on all Toyota and Scion vehicles.

As a consequence, many Toyota vehicles in North America have port-installed or dealer-installed keyless entry systems. The owners may not realize they have a port-installed or dealer-installed system because many of the keyfobs for these systems have a Toyota or Scion brand logo on the case.

Furthermore, it can be particularly confusing to buy a replacement car or truck remote for one of these systems during the years when Toyota sold some vehicles with factory-installed systems and many others without them. Many websellers assume that if there is a factory remote listed in Toyota data for a given vehicle model year, that means all of the cars and trucks for that model year have a factory keyless entry system or no keyless entry at all, which is not correct.

Buying replacement Toyota remotes is made even more difficult by the fact that, on many recent vehicles, Toyota uses different keyless entry and push-button start systems on vehicles assembled in Japan than on those assembled in North America. So, if you have a Camry with a model year of 2007 or later, the replacement remote transmitter depends on where the vehicle was assembled.

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