Replacement Remote Key Fob for Avital (DEI) Remote Access 2 System

A website visitor contacted Remotes Unlimited to ask if we could help him with a replacement remote key fob for his old Avital Remote Access 2 add-on system. Here is our response:

The Avital Remote Access 2 system uses our transmitter 223-1223, which sells for $59.00. You can see and purchase the remote at the following link:
Remote 223-1223 for Avital Remote Access 2 system

You should be able to program the system yourself to accept the new remote. We provide programming instructions and free tech support with purchase. Programming this system requires a working valet (shut-off) switch and it is helpful to have a working siren as well.

(One additional note: our 223-1223 remote may say Clifford on it. Clifford and Avital are 2 brands owned and marketed by Direct Electronics (DEI). They sold identical systems under both brands. I don’t think we have any parts left that say Avital on them, but we can check. Most of our 223-1223 parts have the Clifford brand.)

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